2024/2025 Class Schedule Coming Soon
Meridian Massage Level 1, for professionals
16 CEU
11 hands on, 3 ethics, 2 hours on line at home
July 9th and 10th ,2023
2 days, 7 hours each
8 to 5pm, hour lunch
Whole Body Health
2430 s 73rd , suite 201
Omaha Ne 68124
402-830-5335 text or call for more information
Meridian Massage Level 1 (MML1)teaches the student which muscles are ruled by each meridian and the best direction to massage a muscle to support the energy moving through it. MML1 can be adapted to your favorite style of massage. It is also appropriate for those that a more assertive massage is not possible. The client can be fully clothed or draped on your table. It is great when a deep level of relaxation is desired.
MML1 must be completed before taking MML2, which teaches how to set up a biofeedback system with the body so you are able to "check-in" with the body to see which elements are most important, etc. Checking in will produce even deeper results with a meridian massage.
Meridian Massage Level 2
Must have completed level 1 to take level 2.
July 11th, 2023
10 hours CEU
8 hours in person, 2 hours on line at home to review level 1
8 to 5 pm, hour lunch
1 day class
Whole Body Health
2430 s 73rd street, suite 201
Omaha Ne, 68124
$123.00, payment holds your spot in class
space is limited
402-830-5335 to call or text for more information.
Meridian Massage Level 2 ,(MML2) teaches the practitioner how to set up a biofeedback system with the body so you are able to "check-in" with the body to see which elements are most important, etc. Checking in will produce even deeper results with meridian massage.
Vessel Balancing Level 1, hybrid course
Vessel Balancing Level 1
10 hours CEU
8 hands-on in class, and 2 hours online at home
Sept 11th, 2023
8 to 5pm, hour lunch
The Vessels are the deeper energy channels than the meridians. The vessels support the 12 meridians in the body. Learning to balance these for yourself or another person is a powerful way to bring change to the mind/body complex. This course covers 8 vessels. Handouts can be downloaded from the online course. Audio files can be downloaded also explaining how each one is balanced. The in-person portion of the course will be applying what you have learned from the online portion of this course. Level 1 has to be completed before taking Level 2.
Cost: $110.00
Whole Body Health
2430 s 73rd Street, Suite 201
Omaha Ne. 68124
402-830-5335 to call or text for more information
Vessel Balancing Level 2, hybrid course
10 hours CEU
8 hands-on in class, and 2 hours online at home
Sept 12th, 2023
8 to 5pm, hour lunch
After completing Level 1, you can sign up for Level 2
This course will teach the practitioner how to set up a biofeedback loop with the client's body to "check-in" to know which vessels need to be balanced and in what order. This is not muscle testing, it is direct communication with the client's body and its needs during the session.
The Vessels are the deeper energy channels than the meridians. The vessels support the 12 meridians in the body. Learning to balance these for yourself or another person is a powerful way to bring change to the mind/body complex.
A feedback loop chart is included with this course.
Cost: $110.00
Whole Body Health
2430 s 73rd Street, Suite 201
Omaha Ne. 68124
402-830-5335 to call or text for more information
Scar Tissue Balancing
Bridging Scar Tissue with your hands!
Hands-on technique to soften and reintegrate scar tissue in the skin.
*Decrease bulk within a scar
*Increase flexibility in the skin tissue
*Decrease redness of scars
*Learn nutritional support to decrease scar tissue before and after surgery
* Learn different scar tissue types and how to address each
Oct 9th,2023
6 to 8pm
$65.00, payment saves your spot in class
Whole Body Health
2430 s 73rd , Suite 201
Omaha ne 68124
402-830-5335 if you need to text me questions.